All you need is an online MBA

All you need is an online MBA

Having a university degree is essential to enter the labor market with the world most-demanded tools. But today, this is not enough if you want to make progress in your career. An MBA degree will enable you to be competitive, will open you many doors to the future and will promote a higher level of […]

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8 keys to improve your creativity in business, and in your life

Creatividad ADENU

Do you feel that you do not have time to rethink your company’s strategy? To be creative you need to remove yourself for a while from your everyday tasks so that you can contemplate strategic scenarios from your business or even your personal life. Creativity If we talk about creativity we often think mainly about start-ups, […]

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Workshop en Miami: Nuevos paradigmas y desafíos en el liderazgo directivo

Del 14 al 16 de Noviembre se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Miami el Workshop Internacional denominado“Nuevos paradigmas y desafíos en el liderazgo directivo: El desafío de reinventarse para sobrevivir en un mundo de cambio”. El Workshop busca lograr una visión holística en la que se interrelacionan entorno y propia interioridad, buscando generar nuevas […]

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