Industry 4.0: What are its benefits?

Innovation is a fundamental element for the survival of any company. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and hyper connection, consumer habits have been digitized, forcing industries to become Smart Factories.

What is industry 4.0? 

Although its definition is much wider, it is basically being referred to as the new industrial revolution or the fourth industrial revolution in our time.

In simple words this process is based on the digitalization of industrial processes through the correlation of artificial intelligence with machines and the optimization of resources thanks to commercial strategies and data analysis.

It is estimated that the introduction of digital technologies will reduce manufacturing costs between 15 and 20%.

Aspects that could possible help your company

One of its main objectives and therefore benefits, is the constant ability to adapt according to demand, but we also wanted to highlight some other aspects that could possible help your company:

  • Design, production and sale of products or services in less time and higher quality.
  • More personalized customer service
  • Shorter and more profitable production series.
  • Implementation of services to physical products.
  • The possibility of analyzing the relationship with the client and measuring results through CMS, SCM, CRM, FCM, social networks, IoT among other platforms.
  • Provide one-to-one after sales service with the client.

On the other hand, the introduction of digital technologies in factories, will reduce manufacturing costs between 15 and 20%, which will generate smarter and more sustainable companies.

How will it actually happen?

The answer to this question is through some technologies that we will outline below:

  1. Internet of Things (IoT):

Through the Internet of Things you can obtain information on the different elements of the production chain through the use of sensors, allowing you to optimize the production process.

  1. Robotics:

Introducing robots in some areas will automate and improve the coordination of logistics and production tasks.

  1. Big data and data analysis:

Through analysis and data management, industrial processes can be optimized, energy consumption can be improved, and production quality can be increased in those factories where they are taking advantage of this technological paradigm.

  1. Cloud Computing:

Thanks to the cloud-based software you will have the possibility to store and share data beyond organizational limits.

  1. Cyber security:

While hyper connection has generated great opportunities, it is also important to protect critical industrial systems and manufacturing lines from cyber security threats. Therefore, it is essential to create secure and reliable communications, as well as sophisticated identity and access management systems.

  1. 3D printing:

The greatest functionality of this technology is that it allows manufacturing of all kinds of pieces using different types of materials, which has the potential to streamline the production and maintenance processes of companies.

The 3D revolution is already underway, now it is up to you to start implementing the necessary changes to obtain products with a greater added value and strengthen your competitive position.

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