Data Mining: la forma inteligente de usar los datos en tu empresa

Usar inteligentemente la información que nos brindan los datos se ha convertido en una de las principales estrategias para el éxito empresarial. No sólo brinda mayor seguridad sino que abre a nuevas oportunidades de negocios. El Data Mining o Minería de Datos, es también conocida como Knowledge Discovery in database (KDD). Es la utilización de […]

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Soft Skills that are trending in the financial sector

Soft Skills that are trending in the financial sector

The latest tools and IT solutions are renovating the financial positions that find themselves in outright digitalization. Flexible profiles are being demanded with the capacity for creativity in the face of crises. Hypercompetitive economic scenarios A globalized and dynamic world, hypercompetitive economic scenarios, the implementation of disruptive technologies and digital transformation have generated significant changes […]

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eSports: de un simple pasatiempo a un negocio millonario


¿Alguna vez soñaste con volverte millonario jugando videojuegos? Descubre cómo un pasatiempo adolescente se convirtió en una industria totalmente prometedora. Después que un adolescente estadounidense de 16 años, llamado Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf,  ganara $3 millones de dólares en la competencia de Fortnite realizada en el estadio Arthur Ashe en Nueva York, los eSports llegaron a […]

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Consejos para un Mystery Shopping efectivo

Si estás por llevar adelante una acción de marketing y ventas es fundamental que realices una correcta investigación de mercado. El Mystery Shopping será una técnica que te permitirá medir de manera “in situ” diversos aspectos de tu empresa y la competencia. Mystery Shopping Mystery Shopping es un método principalmente cualitativo con el objetivo de […]

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Industry 4.0: What are its benefits?

Innovation is a fundamental element for the survival of any company. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence and hyper connection, consumer habits have been digitized, forcing industries to become Smart Factories. What is industry 4.0?  Although its definition is much wider, it is basically being referred to as the new industrial revolution or the fourth industrial revolution […]

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Is digital transformation simply too big of a leap for most companies?

Kay Winkler MBA recently discussed the importance of customizing the type and degree of digital transformation that each company needs to implement on BPM.COM Is digital transformation simply too big of a leap for most companies? Part of it surely comes back to the “transformative” aspect of digital tendencies as a synonym for technological improvements. […]

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Working from Home: 5 steps to ensure it is done successfully

With all the technological advances that we have at our disposal, working from home is more of a viable option for many companies and their employees than ever before.  But one important thing to bear in mind is how can you enjoy your home comforts without losing focus on your work obligations? You do not […]

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